Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Rose-hip Jam

I live about ten minutes away from the beach, where we go very often in the summer. To get to the beach, you have to walk through the dunes, where there are a lot of rose-hip plants blooming this time of year. I've always wanted to try making rose-hip jam so this year, I gave it a try. I love the idea of picking fruit in nature and turning it into something delicious.

I don't like my jam to be too sweet so I added less sugar than most recipes do. It's delicious on toast with butter but you can also make wonderful desserts with it!

Makes 1 jar of jam
Action time: 25 minutes + 25 minutes cooking time

2.2 lbs / 1 kg ripe rose-hips
sugar (see recipe for amount)
juice of 1/2 lemon

Extra: passe-vite (food mill or puree sieve), clean canning jar

1. Wash the rose-hips and remove the stem and the blossom ends.

2. Put the rose-hips in a pan and cover them with water. Bring to a boil and cook them over medium heat for about 20 minutes or until they are very soft.

3. Drain the rose-hips and let them cool slightly. Put a passe-vite over a pan and purée the rose-hips. Using a spoon, scrape off the purée that comes out of the bottom. Weigh the fruit purée and mix in half the amount of sugar (I had 10.5 oz / 300 g of purée and used 5.25 oz / 150 g sugar).

4. Put the mixture in a pan and heat for about 4 minutes while stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Don't let it burn!

5. Remove from the heat and put in a clean jar. You can keep it in the fridge for several weeks.


  1. am I right in thinking that you blog is called Bloomville because all your recipes will be flowery? I mean: either decorated or made with flowers?
    What a brilliant idea!
    I thought I didn't care for rose-hip jam, but that was only because it was always too sweet when I tasted it! Yours is wonderful! Thank you Flo!

  2. I forgot to say that your pictures strike me as fit for a fantastic book! I am about to make the rose-hip bars. They look delicious
